Academy of Philosophy
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Samayachara Sri Vidya – a study Project Details

Samayachara Sri Vidya – a study Project Details
Shri Lalithambiga Trust is a charitable organization since
1997 established in India and dedicated towards self less service to the
society and educating the youth into the path of yoga and self realization based
on the auspicious wisdom known as Sri Vidya. The trust has established a
meditation centre and thousands of people are trained in yoga and meditation
every year. In view of bringing a resource material in the form of a text book
for reference of the students and the true seekers Shri Lalithambiga Trust
under the auspices of Dr.Sri Jagannatha Swami M.A.M.Phil.Ph.D., has undertaken
a Project entitled as Samayachara Sri Vidya.
Sri Vidya is an ancient tradition practiced in India from
time immemorial to attain the Ultimate Reality or Self Realization. It is the
devotion and meditation of Mother Goddess Sri lalithambika,who is the form of
auspicious wisdom, power and wealth, embodiment of love, compassion and
prosperity. Sri Vidya begins with the external worship of the idol which has
four dimensions of name, form, sound and meaning. Soon after it turns as the
adoration of Maha Meru, a three dimensional model of the Universe and then
traverse the two dimensional Sri Chakra veneration. Later on it results in one
dimensional meditation as the merger of the male and female energies
within. The eventual aim is to attain
the dimensionless state. The path explained here is based on the Samayachara
tradition of Sri Vidya and there are yet other branches like Kowlachara, Vamachara and Misrachara etc.,
Worship of Mother Goddess has been in
practice in India since ancient
times. Earth is often worshipped as
Mother. Just as the mother feeds the child, Earth feeds mankind by yielding
vegetables, fruits and cereals and so is a Mother herself. There are evidences of Mother Goddess Worship
in the excavations in Mohenjadaro and Harappa, In the Rig Veda and Atharvana Veda, Mother Earth is called the Prithvi. The Vedic
science was well aware of the fact that man is born of the earth and ultimately
ends up one with it. The parents are
worshipped as Gods as in the saying “Mathru Dhevo Bhava, Pithru Dhevo Bhava”
. In fact, many traditions look up the language, religion, and country as
Mother. From infancy the love of the
mother takes deep roots in our minds. Often snakes are worshipped respectfully
as Nagamma or Snake Goddesses. Even people
look upon the pox as the manifestation of the Mother and treat the same with
respect. Sri Vidya sees God as the one
who performs five functions in that She creates, protects, destroys, and showers
Her Grace.
of Sri Vidya:
Historians say that the tradition of
worshipping the Mother Goddess has been in existence even before the Vedic
times. In Kenopanishad, the Goddess is
worshipped as Uma. The Goddess Ushas is worshipped as the Goddess of Dawn. In the Rig Veda. The sister of the Goddess Ushas, is called
Gayathri and She is supposed to be Goddess of the Night. The Goddess Athithi is worshipped as the
Mother of the brave kings. The Goddess
Vak is worshipped as the Goddess of
speech She is wife of Brahma, the
Creator. Many other Goddesses have been
worshipped in the Vedic times. It is
hence clear that worship of Female Goddesses have been in practice before,
during and after the Vedic times. One
part of the Rig Veda called Sri Sukhtham is in praise of the Goddess of Wealth
and the other Vak sukhtham
is in praise of the Goddess of Learning.
Kena Upanishad worships the Mother
Goddess as Uma Haimavathi. Uma is
another word that signifies the Primordial sound OHM or AUM, This mantra means
nothing but Ultimate Knowledge. It can be said that Sri Vidya tradition of
worship evolved from this Mantra.
According to the Saktha religion, Brahman and Knowledge or Vidya are one
and the same. Sri Vidya is the path to reach Brahman.
Tripura Upanishad and Tripurathabini
Upanishad advocate the worship of Mother Goddess. Tharaka Upanishad declares that the Pranava
mantra or the Omkara mantra of AUM is
the key mantra in Shakthi worship.
Bavanopanishad is an important work.
It is part of the Atharvana Veda.advocated
conducting worship through bhavanas, and
the tradition of worshipping the
Sri Chakra, making it part of the
worship of the various Chakras in the human body.
Devikaupanishad consists of 81
slokas praising the Mother Goddess. Kowlaupanishad and Tharaka Upanishad speak of
the greatness of the Mother. Soundarya
Lahari composed by Sri Adi Shankara describes the beauty of the Goddess based
on the knowledge of Sri Vidya . Of the rightist and leftist ways of upasna,
Sri Adi Shankara did not advocate the Vamamarga or the leftist way of
is mentioned in the Valmiki Ramayana that Viswamitra taught the Sri Vidya Mantra to Rama and
Lakshmana. The Sri Vidya Mantra is the
Mother Mantra to all others.Sri Yantra and Maha Meru are the icons
meditated in Sri Vidya and they are the symbols of Universal harmony and peace.
Some important texts of Sri Vidya
are :
Vamakeshwara Tantra, Chatuhshatee,
Rudrayamala Tantra, Shubhagama Panchaka, Chandrakalashtaka
Tantra, Tantraraja
Tantra, Srividyarnava, Jnanarnava, Tripurarnava,
Prapanchasara, Kularnava, Yogini Hridaya, Nithya
shodashikarnava, Sanatkumara
Samhita, Daksinamurthy Samhita, Parashurarama Kalpasutras,
Srividyaratnasutras, Anandalahari, agamakalpadruma,
Tripuurasarasamuchaya, trikandasarathabodhini,
Paraapanchaashika, Shatchakranirupana, Sharadatilaka, Brihat
shreekrama, Lalitha
Rahsya, Lalitopakhyana, Malamantras, Shaktanandatarangini,
Shreemata, Shreetatwachintamani, Shreetatwanidhi (By the
late Maharaja of
Mysore), Shreevidyaratnakara, Sanketapadddhati,
Kamakalavilasa, Kalika purana and other Puranas, Varivaysa
Saubhagyabhaskaar, Saubhagyasetu, Saubhagyaratnakara,
Kundalini kalpataru,
Devyupanishad (which are around 24 in number),
Nrisimhatapini, Prayogasara,
Bhairavayamala, Matrikabheda, Rahsayagama, Deviyamala,
Mahaniravana Tantra,
balavilasa Tantra, kulachudamani Tantra, todala Tantra ,
vishwasara Tantra,
parananda Tantra, kankalamalini, Malinivijayottara Tantra,
Gandharva Tantra,
Tantra, Lalita Tantra, sammohana Tantra, etc. to name a few.
Samayachara Sri Vidya – A Study Project will enumerate the
entire hypothesis and will record all the possible facts as thesis. This
project will be covering all the historical and philosophical perspectives of
the ancient tradition of India.
This project will collect all the primary and secondary
sources of Sri Vidya in Sanskrit and English. The chapters will be organized
with analytical and critical discussions. A practical module of Sri Vidya in
the light of Patanjali Yoga sutra will be tested and recorded with the
experiences of the practitioners. This will remove all the doubts and
confusions about this true path of self realization.
This project will be co-authored by a western scholar and
the aim of involving a western scholar is to bring out a world view and
cultural understanding.
The project will be done in English and also be translated
in Hindi, Spanish, French, Polish and other possible world languages. This will be a contribution to the fields of
linguistics, literature, history, philosophy and cultural studies.
The time duration is about 11 months from the date of
commencement of the project.
The trust has allocated INR2.50 lakhs towards the completion
of the project.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Monday, December 23, 2013
Monday, May 27, 2013
Higgs Boson or God's Particle
பண்பாட்டு ஆய்வு மையம் வழங்கும்
தமிழில் அறிவியல்
சிறப்பு நிகழ்ச்சி
“ஹிக்ஸ் போஸான்” எனும் தெய்வீகத்துகள்
நிகழ்த்துபவர் முனைவர்.க.மணி அவர்கள், தலைவர், முழுமை அறிவியல் துறை, பண்பாட்டு ஆய்வு மையம், கோவை
பேராசிரியர் (பணி நிறைவு)
பூ.சா.கோ கலை அறிவியல் கல்லூரி, கோவை
நாள் : 2 ஜூன் 2013 – மாலை 6.00 மணி
இடம்: திவ்யோதயா அரங்கம், இரயில் நிலையம் அருகில்
அனுமதி இலவசம்.
அன்புடன் அழைப்பது
பண்பாட்டு ஆய்வு மையம்
ஸ்ரீ லலிதாம்பிகா அறக்கட்டளை
5/109, பெரிய தடாகம், கோவை 641 108.
For more details please contact Dr.K.Mani Mobile: 9944562192
Please send your name for registration by SMS to 9842244674.
Please be present before 5.300PM in the hall.
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